Except yesterday, I decided to start to change my life.
I have a wonderful mom who lent me her 'copy' (her digital copy), of Wheat Belly, by William Davis, MD. She suggested I take a look at it, since my middle guy has asthma. I waited until all the boys were asleep and then I read about two thirds of it. It really is a fascinating book, with the main idea being that we need to stop eating wheat.
Now, wheat is in EVERYTHING. Seriously. And I'm a regular mom. Who feeds my kids mac and cheese, spaghetti, pizza, and lets them have treats like doughnuts, and breakfast cereal. Even I love things made with wheat. It's what I grew up on. At night while the boys are in bed, you can probably find me in the kitchen, baking up something sweet. How am I possibly going to stop feeding my family wheat? A day at a time. Because what I learned from this book, is that it's entirely possible to hurt your family by feeding them wheat.
So, today I started with two eggs, scrambled with some red onion and feta. LOVED IT! I really found my new favorite breakfast. I had some coffee too, with milk. Because I have three sons. I should also add that I started today at 250. Pounds. I'm 5 feet, 8 inches tall. So that gives me a BMI of 38.0. A 'normal' weight for my height is between 122 and 164. I started out with a weight of 180 before my first son. So 180 is my goal, although to look at the scale and read 250, I'm okay with ANY weight loss.
Me at 28 weeks pregnant with my first son.
Today I have been suffering. It's hard to cut wheat out. Because in the 'wheaty' things is sugar and I'm sure that's why I have a headache, and I'm SUPER grouchy. But, so far so good. No wheat has passed my lips! So, here's to a fresh start for a Regular Mom!
Me with my boys right after the little bub was born.
Alison, I am so very proud to be your mom! I'm sorry I didn't know more about nutrition when you and Kate were younger. We all would have been so much healthier and happier. This is a journey and you are correct that we take it one day at a time. God Bless You!! I love you very much. Thanks for sharing your journey with us!